I will be sharing with you my regular Artisan post on Wednesday, but please excuse my absence over the next few days. If you haven't seen it on the news, on Sunday 2 officers on my husbands department were senslessly killed while having lunch. I am trying to focus all of my efforts on my husband, our family, and the needs of the officers and spouses of the Las Vegas Metro Police Dept. If you would like to send a card of condolence, support or encouragement, please comment and I will reply with an adress you can send them to. If you would like to contribute towards the needs of these officer's families, you may do so here
You can donate by going to any Wells Fargo Bank.
Officer Down Account Information:
Wells Fargo Bank
Account # 8754899923
You can also donate by going to any Nevada State Bank.
Officer Down Account Information:
Nevada State Bank
Account # 905202081
I am currently organizing a small fundraiser featuring the Calling All Heros stamp set - please check it out HERE
Thanks for understanding,
I recently moved from Vegas to Rhode Island and was so saddened to hear of this tragedy. My husband played hockey with metro guys and I even rode in a helo with two officers. It's so senseless and heartbreaking. I already ordered the heroes set and I'm currently 38 wks pregnant so I can't promise I'll get a card made, but please know the entire department and families are in my prayers...
Posted by: Holly S | June 12, 2014 at 05:58 PM