Are you enjoying this beautiful weekend? We are wrapping up a trip to Southern California to visit my Mom and catch an Angels game (I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Angels - Go Halos) Even though we didn't win the game I went to, we won last night, so I feel a little better. I wish I had been able to go last night - they gave out cool Hawaiian shirts.
Ok, so if you have been reading along, you know that I have SO MUCH to share with you! I have people photos, idea photos and so much more! Over the next few weeks I will be sharing TWENTY FOUR samples that I created - ranging from beginner to detailed stamper levels. Read to the bottom for a special offer - one where you can see them all - EARLY
Today I wanted to share with you two cards that were up on the display boards. This is such a fun stamp set to play with. I loved coloring the images with markers to get different looks. I struggled at first to "see" what I wanted to with this set, but once I got started, I quickly fell in love with this set, and as soon as it is available on September 1st - I think you need it. Hopefully, these will help inspire you to put it on your wish list! Thought I would share this two ways today.
LOVE THEM!!! Hope you do to! If you want to know how I made them, check out the special offer below!
Cathy Caines
Anja Backman
Jennifer Blomquist
Amy Bollman
Erica Cerwin
Chelsey Christenson
Becky Cowley
Ilina Crouse
Lynda Day
Shari Fritz
Lyssa Griffin Zwolanek
Mary Haugen
Krista Jensen
Jane Lee
Nance Lempinen-Leedy
Charlet Mallett
Sarah Naber
Allison Okamitsu
Amy O'Neill
Breelin Renwick
Sarah Sagert
Cindy Schuster
Jennifer Timko
Ashley Van Camp
Kimberly Van Diepen
Mercedes Weber
Alanna Wharf